Saturday, 18th February 2017 (16.00-17.30) in Twerton

Please confirm if you're coming to KINGSMEAD SQUARE (or other Bath city centre location) and/or TWERTON (football ground?) this Saturday!
I can't come to the first street stall (12.00-14.00), but can come to the second (15.00-17.00) if needed.

Ruth Malloy Wed 15 Feb 2017 7:21PM
Yes, Wera & Wlliam do have the keys, Mark. I expect it will all be fine on the night (day), but before I advertise the street stalls on Facebook, and send out an email to all the street stall volunteers, I'd like to be sure!

Alice Hovanessian Wed 15 Feb 2017 12:25PM
Will try to be there for both stalls on Sat - can confirm nearer time!

Ruth Malloy Wed 15 Feb 2017 7:27PM
That's grand, Alice. The exact venue in Twerton Park, which I think must be the football ground, where Twerton market also takes place. Organised by Bath Trades Union Council. Perhaps Tony can provide more information at the steering meeting tomorrow evening.

Dick Daniel Thu 16 Feb 2017 9:14AM
I can not do Saturday at all either, apologies.

Sue Craig Thu 16 Feb 2017 5:23PM
I had to come home from work today with a heavy cold so you'd better not count on me for either, Ruth. Hopefully, normal service will be resumed next week!

Ruth Malloy Thu 16 Feb 2017 11:37PM
Sorry to hear you're unwell. Get well soon!

Ruth Malloy Thu 16 Feb 2017 11:36PM
PS Wera, William and Ruth will arrive later than originally planned, in order to coincide with Anna when she speaks on behalf of ONE DAY WITHOUT US. We'll hand out BfE/UNITE FOR EUROPE leaflets and, if the new cards are available, could also collect the names and contact details of new people who want to join.

Alice Hovanessian Fri 17 Feb 2017 3:43PM
Hi All, just found this info on the TUC event tomorrow, apparently it starts from 15:00 -
Julie Hickmott Sat 18 Feb 2017 7:06AM
Hi Ruth, Vince and I can make it to Twerton this afternoon. What time do you want us there?
Mark Baines · Wed 15 Feb 2017 9:44AM
I can't do Saturday at all - but I'll be there in spirit!
I think William/Wera have the key to my office, so it shouldn't be a problem getting the stuff out and then returning it.
If they aren't around, please let me know so we can make alternative arrangements.