Tue 23 Apr 2024 1:17PM

FWG <-> Organizing Circle

The Finance Working Group is in relationship with the Organizing Circle.


Nathan Schneider Wed 17 Jul 2024 3:59AM

@Caitlin Waddick, @[email protected] I can't do that time because it is very, very early for me.


I was able to join (finally) and next meeting will be at 6 AM Pacific, 9 AM Eastern, 13:00 UTC.

Quick summary: (though do see/post link to shared minutes)

We will add OC:FWG to the agenda of our next FWG meeting (TBD) and will coordinate a meeting between a few members of FWG and OC before end of summer (US/CA Labour Day).

I raised idea of adding legal to FWG as it fits, though legal as in “corporate” (a word I use liberally; coops are corps here in CA) — and ill add that “risk” should touch every working group.

I added a yearly touch-base with Innovation (P6) as part of the annual cadence OC is establishing. For now, suggesting Oct. (a year since my in person meeting with Innovation).

To Do:

  • schedule FWG

  • schedule FWG:OC (after next FWG)

  • reach out to Innovation (P6)


LEGAL WORKING GROUP -- I started a thread for the Organizing Circle. [Clarify: This text is copy-pasted from the thread that I started in OC group.]


Legal Working Group (LWG): REACTIVATE! (tasks for the Organizing Circle)

Social.Coop needs a Legal Working Group (LWG). This thread is for this topic: How will we constitute and reactivate an LWG that meets at least 3 times per year. What are the legal issues that are arising or could arise for S.C.?

BACKSTORY: The Legal Working Group has never actually existed or met. Over the years, several people, notably @Nathan Schneider of the Finance Working Group, have posted to recruit membership to the LWG. And, several people have replied to express their interest and ability. Various legal tasks have been discussed and addressed by other working groups. Notably, FWG has recently been seeking fiscal sponsorship with the viewpoint that fiscal sponsorship is a "legal shield."

"Finance (Working Group)" is how we bootstrap Legal (Working Group)." -- spoken in today's Finance Working Group meeting. However, FWG members decided to make a new effort to reconstitute and reactivate the LWG.

Please share efforts and ideas in this thread.


Just to clarify: I started the thread in the Organizing Circle section of Loomio, and I pasted a copy here to share that I did it. Now, I'm thinking I could have started the thread in the main part of Loomio that is not in any one working group.


The Organizing Circle will meet with the Finance Working Group on Thursday, Sept 26, 1 pm UTC -5:00 (=Eastern Time in US & Canada) at https://socialcoop.meet.coop/kat-aiw-mpv-6vv(which is the OC's usual meeting location). This meeting will end at 1:50 pm. Both groups need to think about an agenda.


Nathan Schneider Mon 23 Sep 2024 1:30AM

Thank you for organizing, Caitlin!

Sep 22, 2024 6:56:30 PM Caitlin Waddick, Finance Working Group for Social.Coop and Organizing Circle (via Loomio) :


Caitlin Waddick, Finance Working Group for Social.Coop and Organizing Circle commented in: FWG <-> Organizing Circle ( https://www.loomio.com/d/16wSnmrt/comment/3133654?utm_campaign=new_comment&amp;utm_medium=email )

The Organizing Circle will meet with the Finance Working Group on Thursday, Sept 26, 1 pm UTC -5:00 (=Eastern Time in US & Canada) at https://socialcoop.meet.coop/kat-aiw-mpv-6vv(which ( https://socialcoop.meet.coop/kat-aiw-mpv-6vv(which ) is the OC's usual meeting location). This meeting will end at 1:50 pm. Both groups need to think about an agenda.


Reply to this email directly or view it on Loomio ( https://www.loomio.com/d/16wSnmrt/comment/3133654?utm_campaign=new_comment&amp;utm_medium=email ).



Kathe TB ·
social.coop/@ktoddbrown · September 8

I'll throw in this as a possible set of discussion prompts:

  • What does FWG do? What are your workflow?

  • What do you want to be doing?

  • How can OC help support your work (which connects to the topics above)?

Eduardo Mercovich · @[email protected] · September 9

  • Does the FWG has a clear, explicit and known domain/scope so as to be sure wether it is sovereign to take desicions? If not, that is a point to work on.

  • Are the FWG communications/ reports standarized? (like every 3, 6 or 12 months and what do thy cover). If not, ídem. :)