Translation of the Help articles and the Help manual

Hi everyone!
We've started slowly translating our Help manual and our Guides and Tips articles from our blog that are linked in the Help card of the group pages.
I would love to see all this translated into all our main languages! is there anyone interested in helping us with this? If so please let me know and we can talk about the process for translating them.

Natalia Lombardo Tue 26 Jan 2016 11:52PM
The process for the help manual is through either Github or Google doc, according to what the person (or team) prefers using.
For the Articles any for on doc that can be sent to me to upload on the Blog works. Ideally the person doing the translations can also work on the images or send me the correct order of translation for each of them for me to ensemble.
So the best way to move forward will be for me and whom ever is interested to translate to have a chat about it and set up what ever process works best in each case. :)
Thanks in advance!

A. Renato Wed 27 Jan 2016 12:08AM
Cool!! In my case, still translating all by myself :( it's better @natilombardo get my e-mail:
And then we can chat. These help sections are very very good now and have to be translated already. Thanks again!
A. Renato · Tue 26 Jan 2016 11:35PM
Hi all! Glad to see those improvements on Loomio translations!
Maybe that’s a good place for @natilombardo post again (add a comment or in the description of this discussion, please) the basics on how the translation process for the Help manual and articles – veeeeery important sections – are happening (Transifex; Github; GoogleDocs; some filesharing; etc).
Since it also has to be all remade/updated in Portuguese-BR, if anybody gets stuck in something, we might be a step freshly away, and then ready to help our fellow translators. Otherwise, we’ve Nati :) Many thanks!