Fri 1 Oct 2021 2:30PM

2500 preprints in the repository

BC Bruce Caron Public Seen by 86

Hello EarthArXiv. We've now got 2500 pre/post prints in our repository. Many thanks to all the volunteers, particularly our Mod Crew and current and past Advisory Committee members! And very soon, we will have the new version of Janeway with a lot of upgrades! And thanks to the CDL for hosting us and working with us for the future of open science in the Earth sciences!


Andy Byers Fri 1 Oct 2021 2:33PM

An update on new features: 1.4.1 is nearing completion and then we will be merging it into the main Janeway branch afterwhich updates and bugfixes become much easier :-)


Alainna Wrigley Fri 1 Oct 2021 4:16PM

Congratulations, EarthArXiv community! What a milestone. : )


Christopher Jackson Sat 2 Oct 2021 9:19AM

YEEEEESSSSS! Well done, all. Onwards!