Tue 10 May 2022 6:43PM

Notice: DOI creation service down for 24 hours on 2022.05.20-21 [COMPLETE]

AW Alainna Wrigley Public Seen by 47

Hello EarthArXiv team,

We've been informed that the EZID service used to mint DOIs for EarthArXiv preprints will be going down for an upgrade on Friday, May 20 for 24 hours beginning 5pm (PDT/UTC-7). How this will affect EarthArXiv:

  • No new DOIs will be created

  • No existing DOIs will be updated

  • DOI creation and updates will be automatically queued for when the service is restored

EarthArXiv currently has a process that checks for any DOI creation errors, so any new or updated DOIs should be processed after the EZID service is confirmed as back online. You may wish to set a delayed published date for any new preprints accepted during the downtime to reduce any confusion with authors.

Let us know if you've any questions or if we can provide additional details -- thanks!

Hours of downtime:

  • Offline: 2022.05.20 17:00 UTC-7 / 2022.05.21 00:00 UTC

  • Online: 2022.05.21 17:00 UTC-7 / 2022.05.22 00:00 UTC

[edit] The EZID upgrade is complete and service is successfully restored. There was one preprint published during this time; its DOI is now working as expected: https://doi.org/10.31223/X5JM0K Let us know if you see any issues -- thanks!

Warm regards,
