Wed 20 Mar 2013 5:08PM

Topic Ideas for WMW 2013

AV Agustina Vidal Public Seen by 10

This is a list of topics that the social media/marketing/blogging working group will focus on during WMW 2013. If you don't object to any of this topics, please vote 'I agree' or 'I abstain' so the working groups can start working on their respective areas.

  1. WHY mothers choose to milkshare and kinds of donations and milksharing (ongoing, one time, emergencies, wetnursing, casually ms with friends and family as needed/desired)
  2. The Village: Milksharing and Partners, Relatives, Friends,
  3. Milksharing Logistics: Safe pumping and storage, screening, shipping, feeding options (cup, syringe, sns, tube feeding), allergens
  4. Diversity in Milksharing, including family diversity and cultural diversity
  5. Milk Bank, breastfeeding support groups and health professionals
  6. History of milksharing and the rise of peer to peer milksharing
  7. Fun Sunday: ask for pics of babies and kids being silly All throughout the week: WHO CODE

Poll Created Wed 20 Mar 2013 5:09PM

Topics for WMW 2013 Closed Wed 27 Mar 2013 3:51PM

This is a list of topics that the social media/marketing/blogging working group will focus on during WMW 2013. If you don't object to any of this topics, please vote 'I agree' or 'I abstain' so the working groups can start working on their respective areas.


Results Option % of points Voters
Agree 100.0% 8 AV LC EDR SB CW BH JT AZ
Abstain 0.0% 0  
Disagree 0.0% 0  
Block 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 DG VG

8 of 10 people have participated (80%)


Emily Danielson Reyes
Sat 23 Mar 2013 6:24PM