
Caravan Tips

T Tricia Public Seen by 8

I figured the rainbows have been at it for a while so I adapted these Tips for a safe journey home & a Positive Gathering.
by Karin Zirk [email protected]
If you plan on driving, make sure your car and driver is 100% legal-all lights work, valid insurance and registration, seatbelts, car seats for children. Our government assumes that we are criminals. Please try to arrive during daylight hours as the roads into gathering sites can be tricky and we want you to arrive home safely. If you can make space in your vehicle for a rider or you need a ride,

If you will be sharing a ride, please meet the folks you'll be riding with at a local coffee shop, make sure you feel comfortable traveling a long distance with them, and establish the ground rules. If you are coming via bus, plane or train, try to connect up with a ride from your destination before you get there. If you are planning on hitchhiking, please travel with a buddy, only bum rides during the day and if you get a bad feeling from a ride, PLEASE don't take it. There will always be another one.

When approaching the Gathering site, remember that you're coming as friends in somebody else's back yard. Don't be under the influence while driving. Treat the local folks with the courtesy, respect and concern that they deserve as members of the Family of Humankind. Be Loving and Kind. Don't be rude, steal, trash the town, disturb the Peace, or try to "shock" people. Be mindful of others' sensitivities. Remember the original Golden Rule: Treat Others the Way you want to be treated! Please, make your journey a safe one.


Sally G Wed 28 May 2014 12:34AM

not a proposal, so “like” is not an option, but consider this Liked!


Jackie Wed 28 May 2014 12:57AM

So many times I want to "Like" the discussion description!


Daniel Hong Wed 28 May 2014 4:31PM

@triciafromphilly @jackie My thought was that I create an online form for potential drivers/car owners to fill out as a screening and agreement for the above (valid insurance and registration, license, good driving record).


Jackie Wed 28 May 2014 4:38PM

If you get that all laid out, we could probably create the form on the hub or website. This will take some thinking/coordinating as we already have folks signing up for rides in two places, sharetribe and volunteer form.


Daniel Hong Wed 28 May 2014 4:59PM

@jackie If I use Google Forms (the forms I'm most comfortable using), would you integrate it onto www.natgat2014.net?


Jackie Wed 28 May 2014 5:12PM

many occupiers will not put their info on google forms. it would be better if you wrote out the questions and then had tech put on another form

BUT - that's no guarantee (we will have the techs or the forms) and last year we did use google forms for endorsements/sign-up, so it's a toss up - just wanted you to know we did get complaints and some won't use.

You know what, though - maybe this is just something that should be sent to folks who have already signed up?

Idk - needs some coordination, thought, collaboration with other caravans.


Daniel Hong Wed 28 May 2014 5:18PM

@jackie There's other sites out there, like Wufoo. http://www.wufoo.com I can make an identical form for both Google and a Wufoo.

My thoughts was this form be autonomous from the www.natgat2014.net form, and where I would collect all of the responses. (as I am the bottom-liner for this) However, when applicants are done, I can lead them further to the general form.

I'll make a Pacific NW/I-5 Caravan update post on Loomio later today.


Julia Clark Sat 31 May 2014 4:35AM

Wow, I'd throw this together if I had the questions NOW.

The site uses wordpress correct? word press has forms integrated into the blog platform.

Daniel, just go make a wordpress.com account. Do the form you need. Copy the code. and past the code in pastebin and link it here.


Jackie Sat 31 May 2014 5:10AM

so this is going to be specifically for the I-5 or all the caravans?

I'm sure we can get a button up to link to it. If we are going to have several, we should probably have them all on a page.

how about something like:


Julia Clark Sat 31 May 2014 5:17AM

They should be separated by sectors maybe It might make it visual easier for people, ecept for the ones that do not fit into a category. Second thought maybe it should be just one and let them grow naturally