Online Thinking Box Thu 20 Feb - Why are XR upsetting people with NVDA?

Thinking Box for XR - Why are XR upsetting people with NVDA?
Thursday 20 February 7.30-9pm (GMT)
In this fully interactive online deliberative session you will explore some key aspects of the NVDA approach including some questions and criticisms aimed at XR. It is your chance to reflect on these with others, explore best responses and provide a personal steer via a survey at the end. The session will include some video input and will be a chance to experience the three phases of a democratic session: input, deliberation and integration.
Thinking Box is a democratic tool that provides discussion programmes with video input that anyone can pick up and use. The main aim of this session is to give an experience of the deliberative process while also picking an engaging topic relevant to the movement. The survey at the end is part of the process and will integrate the views of attendees but is not intended to steer the movement explicitly.
Zoom link to join:
The session should last about an hour and there will be time for questions about the process at the end. Support also available for those interested in running a session in their community.
Joexr Fri 21 Feb 2020 7:21AM
It looks amazing, I am sorry I missed the thinking box. Is there any recording?

Paul Thistlethwaite Fri 21 Feb 2020 9:04AM
Hope to get the recording and results up here soon
Ben Stollery · Thu 20 Feb 2020 2:19PM
Hi Paul, can't join you tonight but sounds brilliant, look forward to hearing how it goes, learning more about the format and joining you for future ones. Cheers, Ben