Welfaerie coverage
Hey everyone, considering the event has grown in time size, just curious which days the community would like to have welfare coverage.
Last year welfare "opened" at midday Thursday and stayed staffed through Monday morning.
What do y'all think about opening Wednesday this year (if the burn starts on Monday, correct?) and staying staffed through Monday morning?
Adele Meower Mon 16 Jan 2023 5:11PM
space was most used to chill, get warm and have private talks when folks were feeling overwhelmed. it also was a point space for folks on shift to meet, get provisions, replace radios, get covid tests and other supplies etc
yes the helm + 2 faeries system was great, means 3x people for decision-making in a crisis, faeries roamed with a buddy, and could take care of things on different ends of site quickly
a small team of sober decision makers at all times was not too much coverage imho, just safe
radios were used by people on shift. last year radios were also used by people who were not on shift which I would not recommend happening again as we at one point didn't have enough because someone who was not on shift had kept theirs.
we did have a few no-shows to shifts which ended up being ok because we were able to fill the shifts with backup volunteers but of course would rather minimise that from happening when possible.
these same backup volunteers also supported the triads during key nights like friday & saturday. thanks daisy ;)
teepee was perfect. discreet, warm & quiet. highly suggest using it again
Emily H Sun 5 Feb 2023 9:41AM
somehow missed this thread! all sounds like an excellent plan to me. seemed like the roaming nature of the shifts kept it more easy and fun for people and the teepee was a super space and probably the most site central location
Adele Meower Mon 6 Feb 2023 12:51PM
will update welfare shifts this week and post for sign up.

Allan Wed 15 Feb 2023 9:27PM
Hey @Adele Meower I was going to sign up for a welfaerie shift, is it the master sheet or the 'Full Welfare Spreadsheet' linked at the top of welfareries tab on ms?
Adele Meower Thu 16 Feb 2023 9:02AM
Welfare shifts are not ready to be signed up yet Chris and I are finalising on Friday. We’ll post on FB when it’s ready with instructions. Thanks for signing up :)
Sam Lee · Mon 16 Jan 2023 1:27PM
We've booked Tuesday to Tuesday, 4-11th
No strong feelings about staffing but lots of questions.
How was the space most used last year?
Did our 1 site lead and 2 faeries work out?
Too much coverage, too little?
Flexible roles, were radios used?
Anything we weren't equipped to deal with?
Good space/ location?