Highlighting and promoting Chi Hack Night groups & projects

Thoughts and ideas on how to help spread the word about all the amazing breakout groups and projects that have happened and are currently happening every week.
Eric Sherman Wed 1 Jun 2016 2:20AM
Podcast for sure! ;-) Let me know if you'd want to help with a regular feature on breakout groups?

Kristi Leach Mon 6 Jun 2016 11:59AM
Most likely. Let me know what you have in mind.

Steve Ediger (ChiCommons) Sun 29 May 2016 1:54PM
We could create a simple template for a project: name, facilitator(s), one paragraph description, resources needed, language/platform, and GitHub link. This could then be put on the website as a link from the current breakout groups along with the photos tha Kristi mentioned.

Joel Inwood Mon 30 May 2016 11:33AM
We could feature one group each week. Could be a good motivator to hit milestones in time for "our week." I have no idea what I mean by "feature."

Joel Inwood Mon 30 May 2016 11:37AM
Maybe a write up for the weekly invitation email. Do people read that or go straight to the registration? I wouldn't mind to help out with write ups if folks need help.
Ethan Heppner Tue 31 May 2016 1:55PM
To add to Joel's idea: the research that I've come up with suggests that we should "feature" in some way projects that would be the best fit for new people.
Research also supports Steve's idea of creating a template for projects and having that information posted in a very visible way. It may be that the link to "Breakout Groups" on the chihacknight home page needs to be made bigger and more clicky as people seem to be missing it.
I've put the clearest issues raised by research into a GitHub repo here, hope this is helpful as we make decisions tonight: https://github.com/ethanheppner/chihacknight-feedback/issues
Also created another experimental issues repo for if we want to move the list of breakout groups to something that anyone to edit so Derek doesn't have to be a gatekeeper (also added Derek as a collaborator, lmk if you want access too): https://github.com/ethanheppner/join-a-breakout/issues

Joel Inwood Wed 1 Jun 2016 1:20PM
What if we take all the Civic Tech 101 folks to visit a project after the 101 class. We could feature one each week, and we could put it in the weekly email.
Ethan Heppner Mon 6 Jun 2016 4:44AM
Yes, I like this idea of the 101 class visiting a featured project. One other thing to consider though might be the needs of that project versus the skills of the people who come to the 101-- maybe there should be a little flexibility to visit other projects too based on who comes?
Kevin Rose Tue 14 Jun 2016 6:19PM
Agreed. I don't know how useful it would be for the group or the new folks if they were to be herded into a specific, pre-decided, group. Did the surveys indicate that people left 101 without knowing where to go? I think there might be different ways to address this issue that might be more useful. E.g., the 101 class can have more detailed description of the groups (related to https://www.loomio.org/d/7ioSs9wT/breakout-group-structure) which would help new people decide what a good fit for them would be? Puts more responsibility on the 101 leader, though.
I like the idea of some form of highlighting groups.
Kristi Leach · Sun 29 May 2016 1:27PM
We could post and tweet the project descriptions individually. It would also be good to be taking a few pictures each week--could ask the teams to do that, too. Photos could be collected in a #photos channel.
The podcast may be a good place to promote projects, too. :D